Ham radio bobby has not been the first priority in my life for a while. Life brought changes, and there were more important things to concentrate to.
The new thrill came when a good friend Gabor told story about ubitx.
Ubitx is a small and relatively cheep ready built qrp trx kit fro m India. It is simple, but on the other hand it does everything a portable qrp trx needs to do.
HF up to 30MHz, aprox 5W average (10 W-up to 10MBz and 2 up to 30MHz), ssb and cw modes (digit of-course) on a 16cmx16cm board. The perfect rig to get back on ham track.
Gabor decided to built a customized one for himself, but before starting he ordered a kit for test purposes. It works, and after some modification it became smarter tban one may think.
He started documenting it, so the history of my tiny transceiver starts somewhere here: www.ha7mac.com.
The rig shows several features. There is built in keyer with programmable memories, which is very useful for cw fans like me, there is if shift, and cat port with the commands of the good old ft817.
As Gabor have tested and checked everything on it, he is going to start to build his own one. The original kit is going to be finished by lucky me.
There are few things to be finished. The pa stage, which needs to have new transistors to have the power output equal on all bands, an additional home-made xtal cw filter, and the enclosure which will be as small and thin as possible.
I will use the little rig mainly outdoor, it needs to be small, rugged, and ergonomic.
The antenna tuner I will use is already under construction, I wil, post about it later on. Mainly I will use small and short antennas, or magloops with it from tops of hills behind the middle of nowhere.
These the plans, let's see how the turns to reality...
If you are interested, you will find further information on http://www.hfsignals.com/index.php/ubitx/ page.
There is akso a fb group you will find easily.
To be continued...