Friday, 8 May 2020

The Ironman

I really like my FT817. It is built like a tank, the only weak point is the front of the radio with sensitive VFO and function knobs. This part of the device cries for some protection.
I always work from the field hence I need to unpack the radio, set it up whenever I want to work from and pack it back at the end several times. I am very careful with my gear, but it is so easy to drop a gadget in the dark in the middle of the wood.

A decade ago I had an Icom 7200. I loved it so much. It had its handles on the front. When I took it to my trips the handles saved the front panel sometimes. I needed those handles for my FT817.
After seraching long hours, I found some versions of theese side rails with unreasonable prices from overseas.
Finally I found Timo OE5EUY who makes Rigiron rails.
I was lucky to catch him on facebook and order a pair of theese beautiful laser cut side rails.

No more words needed...

If you want one for your FT817, you can find him on FB