Friday 21 October 2016

The best CW paddles ever...

CW is a great fun. I've been playing with it since my childhood. It was a secret language to talk to friends that time, later it became a wonderful way of listening the world, some years later a perfect tool to keep in touch with friends from all over the world.
Beautiful it is, I am too lazy for straight key, therefore I use paddle.
Recently I gave my iambic paddle to one of my best friend, who is learning the code nowdays, so I had to buy a new one. Again I called the best man for a key. He is a Hungarian HAM, HA8KN Janos. It is the fourth key I have from him. Iam fully satisfied again. Far the best... 
I can transmit with 40WPM or even more using this key with no error. So so fast... It is hard to find stations being able to receive this speed.

Amazing quality, reliable and fast shipping. 


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