Tuesday 29 December 2015

Ten minutes field strength meter

Building a new antenna is always a big fun. With professional tools it is so easy, but it also can be a bit of challenge with no smart analysers in hand. 
Field strength meter is one of the most important tool, while it is so easy to build. Actually this is nothing more than a rectifier, a filter and an indicator meter. The circuit can be found on the net. For example here: http://www.mds975.co.uk/Content/amateur_radio_projects.html#FSMhttp://www.mds975.co.uk/Content/amateur_radio_projects.html#FSM
Capacitor values are not critical. 

The whole stuff fits into a small box. Mine was a plastic one, so I used some aluminium sticker inside the box as some kind of counterpoise. There is BNC connector on the top of the box to make connecting short whip antenna easy.

The parts inside are fixed with hot glue. It is the easiest way, no PCB or other mounting needed.

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