Saturday, 2 July 2016

QRP antenna tuner

I have sold my Z-817 tuner. I have been missing it since, but that time it seemed to be a good idea... Okay, let's forget the mistake and do something instead!

I needed a tuner. For all kind of wires, whips, dipoles, only for QRP portable use.
Mainly I use my FT-817. It has built in SWR indicator. Yes, it is only an indicator. When it says SWR is 1:1, indeed it will be somewhere between 1:1 and 1:8, or higher, therefore power indicator is needed.

I tried several cheap plastic switches for inductance, but they turned to be low quality with several Ohm resistance. The only way for an "L" network is a switched system. Basically it is the same as the LDG autotuner. Of course it is not auto. I use switches instead of relays. 

Coils start from 0.25uH up to 16uH, hence all together I have 32uH if needed. It seems to be enough in most cases. 
Cap is a plastic one from a pocket AM receiver. Unfortunately it does not start from 0!!! The small meter is from an old handheld CB. It was not working due to some mechanical sock, but after spending few minutes fixing it with a small screwdriver it came alive again.
Power indication is easy, just two old germanium diode via a 10pF capacitor, and a 10k trimmer pot. Input and output connectors are UHF ones, plus there is a gnd banana plug for counterpoise. 

It works fine, a bit better than the good LDG... Okay, it is bot as easy to tune, but after the third try one can start thinking in binary mode:)

Here are the pictures. There is no schematic. Internet is full of these "L" network schematics, so just call google image search with the keyword "switched L network" and the help is on the way:)

(price is aprox. 13dollars... or below)

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