I rent a flat in a small city. It is a big house with small heart, so goodwill is missing sometimes. People are engaged with meaningless things, hence I don't want to be a target with my hobby. All I can do is to use some hidden stuff.
First I tried using random wire. It was OK, my X5105 tuned it quickly with its atu. Now Xiegu is far away, and my uBITX and the FT817 does not have atu. What to do?
I tried my magloop. It is very effective. In the previous house where I lived before this one I made contacts from the room in SSB 5W. Here I have got buckleys... The building is full of steel. I live on the first floor, so I have three more above my head.
The balcony does not work, because it is also full of steel. I tried the magloop, and even the reverse beacon network was unable to copy my signals.
I did not want to buy an expensive atu... what to do?
My new toy seems to be helping me out. It is a D-original antenna. Not a mobile, because it is not waterproof and not strong enough to stand strong wind. It is some kind of pedestrain mobile whip.
D-original pedestrain mobile whip. It is tuned to 40m. You can see the counterpoise rolled up at the bottom.
It is stealth as much as it can. After making contacts it is easy to remove hence no curious eyes will see what I am doing on my balcony... |
It works from 40 meters.
I tested it yesterday evening. In CW mode the first station was not a DX, around 500miles away from here. He gave me 549. I was happy... I had time just for a short test, so I quickly packed the stuff back to it's case when I realized that the radio was on 0.5W. Ups... it is not too bad... not 5W, it was 0.5W.
The antenna passed the test. Today I tested it again. SSB 5W 1000miles and 55 report. Actually I received the station with the same strength.
I am always hacking things. I have a 2.2m long telescopic whip. It is a treasure... I asked a good friend who has some turner experiences to make me a coupler, so I can use the telescopic whip insted of the original. This way it will be much longer (all together around 3m). I belive also more effective as well. At the same time it will be easier to carry. Just a 45cm long pack on the side of my backpack.
Idea two: I can connect a wire antenna to the end of the coil of the antenna to make it longer. This way If I use a 5m long fishing pole, I do not have to take a tuner with me. The coil makes the whole thing electrically longer, this way I am able to achive perfect SWR at the feed point of the antenna.
I can't wait having time to test it in field situations... maybe tomorrow.
I found a blogpost on the net. The guy said this antenna is crap. Of course... one has to know this is not a full size antenna, compared to a long wire it's results will be way far behind a long wire. At the same time it is working, if you know the rule.
If you just hang a few meters of wire right from the base, you will increase its performance so much.
Don't use tuner for this. It can be tuned altering the length of the radiator or the coil. It must be 50Ohm at the feedpoint. Tuner between the 50ohm coax feed and the radio is one of the dumbest idea in the hystory of HAM radio. :)
It's been a while... I have been using this stick for months by now. I was able to make real DX-es such as USA from Hungary with my QRP setup. It was mounted exactly as you can see in the pic. Do not think only about CW, I worked a lot in SSB as well.
It is proven to be working fine:)