Thursday 19 September 2019

Ubitx vs FT817

There is a time when a factory built radio is too expensive for you. Or maybe for your wife... :) No panic, you do not have to give this great hobby up!

If you are not afraid of a soldering iron, you have a good chance of having a radio with no compromise. 

I do not waste your time, just go straight to and see yourself. 

The result is a QRP rig with no compromise. It works as well as an FT817 (maybe it sounds better). it is an "allbander" (including 27MHz if you are a CB fun next to your HAM hobby).
It gives you 5-7W on every bands.
All you need is a good enclosure and a long weekend. 

The rig is fully hackable. If you visit you will find a hell of a lot of information.
Some guys made Icom-like rigs from the original mainboard using touchscreen and factory made enclosure.

What is the difference between uBITX and FT817?

If you receive 599 on your 817, the half of the report is deserved by Yaesu. 
If you receive 599 on your uBITX, the quarter of the report is deserved by Fahran and the ladies in India who soldered the smd parts to your mainboard. :)

Both of them are great fun!

Actually my uBITX is about friendship. I received the mainboard from my good friend Gabor HA7MAC when I had no chance of making QSO's with anything. I played with it a lot until one day I had a great backback radio. I enjoyed every minutes of it. Thanks again Gabor!

I have been using it for almost two years. I am happy with it. 

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